How Tomato-Carrot Juice can Manage Blood Pressure Levels or Hypertension

Disease Health News

Living with hypertension or high blood pressure has become second nature for most individuals. A cardiovascular disease by nature, hypertension has more effect on your entire system. Owing to the current lifestyle and dietary habits, it is necessary to stay healthy and fit to avoid complications of hypertension.

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition that affects your arteries. The force of your blood against your artery walls becomes high that leads to heart problems.

Symptoms of Hypertension:

High blood pressure usually does not show any signs or symptoms. There are times when the blood pressure may shoot up to dangerously high levels but you may not experience any symptoms.

Very few people present with probable symptoms like headaches, nosebleeds, or shortness of breath. But these symptoms cannot be considered to be specific signs of hypertension.

Exercise regimen for Hypertension:

Maintaining a healthy body weight is key to regulate your blood pressure levels. Ensure you include more physical activity into your routine to shed that extra weight and become healthier. Exercise helps release happy hormones that relieves stress and reduces your blood pressure notably.

Exercise helps keep your heart healthy and mind calm. Aim at getting in about 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week to maintain your ideal body weight.

Dietary management of Hypertension:

While high blood pressure may not have any permanent cure, you sure can manage it with certain dietary and lifestyle modifications. A healthy diet is essential to maintain your heart health and to reduce blood pressure.

A balanced diet and good exercise regimen will help manage your blood pressure levels along with reducing the risk of complications. Include fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish in your diet to protect your heart.

Here is a quick and easy recipe to maintain your blood pressure levels.

Tomato-Carrot Juice for Managing Blood Pressure Levels:

As the name suggests, this energy-boosting juice contains tomatoes and carrots. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a rich antioxidant that helps lower your blood pressure, cholesterol and prevents skin damage.

The potassium content in tomatoes helps lower your blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. The diuretic properties of tomatoes makes you urinate more often thereby expelling sodium via urine.

Carrots are rich in high phenolic compounds like p-coumaric, chlorogenic, and caffeic acids that help keep your blood pressure levels under control. These substances relax your blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and improve your blood pressure levels.

Carrots have a high potassium content that plays a major role in regulating your blood pressure levels. The antioxidants present in carrots are cardio-protective and help prevent stroke.


  • 1 Tomato – Chopped
  • 1 Carrot – Chopped
  • 6-7 mint leaves
  • ¼ ginger finely Chopped
  • Juice of ½ a lemon


  • Blend all the ingredients in a mixer until smooth.
  • Add spice if you want like chillies or cinnamon or cardamom. Any spice of your choice to add taste.
  • Avoid adding salt or sugar.

Drink it as a mid-morning snack or have it as your evening energising drink. Add this healthy and wholesome juice to your daily routine to maintain your blood pressure levels. This World Hypertension Day, take charge of your health and control.

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