Meet Our Certified Medical Writers and Reviewers
We work with a team of the top-most certified medical authors and reviewers to provide you with the best peer-reviewed healthcare content. The aim is to be transparent and give you all the necessary information related to health and medicine. The content is trustworthy and accurate and has been carefully curated by our medical writers.
One mission is - help you make the best choices for your health
There is a burst of information on the internet which may not always be helpful. It can more often than not confuse you and leave you flustered. Even though you can understand your condition and make the right decisions, the information on the internet may not be accurate. There is a lot of incorrect and potentially dangerous information online and you cannot trust all sources.
Our Speciality – MedsEngage
- We provide reliable, up-to-date, and accurate healthcare content that can be your go-to-source for all medical information.
- The content is reviewed by the medical professionals in the team and only then opened for public reading.
- The healthcare content is easy to understand and helps you make an informed decision with regards to your health.
- The articles are factually correct, science-backed, evidence-based content written by a team of medical professionals.
Meet Our Team
Our team of medical writers is a dedicated group of medical authors and reviewers exclusively chosen to provide you with scientific and relevant healthcare information. It is easy to comprehend, accurate and will aid in you making informed medical decisions about your health.
Dr. Shruthi Shridhar
MD Physician
Dr. Shruthi Shridhar is an MD Physician and a Clinical Nutritionist with over 9 years of clinical experience. She is an accomplished medical writer and has worked with a variety of specialist physicians like an MD physician, a gynaecologist, a paediatrician, and an orthopaedic and has gained optimal clinical knowledge.
She currently has a digital practice through which she manages patients and their health conditions remotely. With the triad of medicine, nutrition, and counselling, Dr. Shruthi aims to provide holistic care to all her domestic and international patients.
Dr. Shruthi's hobbies include travelling, graphotherapy, face reading, and dream analysis.
Shaifali Patidar
Master's of Biotechnology
Shaifali Patidar received her master’s degree in biotechnology with distinction in 2014. She is a versatile content writer with over 6 years of experience in healthcare writing. She has an in-depth knowledge of medical terminology and a clear understanding of research data with strong critical thinking and analytical skills.
Having worked in media companies, she created high-quality news articles on nutrition, health, wellness, science, and technology. Her areas of interest include genetics, immunology, nutrition, and microbiology.
She enjoys doing yoga, traveling, reading books, and painting in her spare time.
Mukta Mathew
Bachelor's of Pharmacy
Mukta Mathew is a board certified, licensed pharmacist and medical writer. She is a 2006 graduate with pharmacy experience of more than 8 years in retail and hospital pharmacy.
She holds rich experience in diverse domains of healthcare. However, her pharmacy interests include oncology and general inpatient pharmacy.